Hong Kong Practice Area
Welcome to the land of Hong Kong! If you are looking to expand your investment funds and have no time to look after them, then best approach Titus, one of the leading investment law firms in Hong Kong, to cater to all your investment needs. Keep your trust in their investment fund lawyers and legal service providers who are highly skilled in handling legal matters relating to hedge funds, private equity funds, and other investment vehicles. Your investment funds are in the safe hands of asset management legal services as they are one of the most reliable investment funds in Hong Kong.
They are of great use when we need to prepare partnership agreements, write up contracts, and a wide range of other legal services. Do not struggle all alone. Just reach them to benefit their ideas for the smooth functioning of investment fund in Hong Kong.
For your information, all public funds in Hong Kong are regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC). Apart from this, there are many private equity fund managers who are operational outside of Hong Kong.
What kinds of services are offered by this law investment firm?
Being the most trusted and reliable law investment in Hong Kong, they offer the following services to customers both inside and outside of Hong Kong.
- As we know, Hong Kong is one of the major financial Hubs on the globe. This law firm is functional with potential investment management advisors and legal lawyers who are experienced in establishing funds in Hong Kong and offshore – across all the main asset classes. Managing investment funds is not an easy task. It requires proper knowledge and assistance of investment fund lawyers and legal services to take timely action.
- SFC or Securities and Futures Commission is the one that looks at and regulates the matter of all public funds. Through this law firm, you can manage compliance and licensing.
- This investment law firm will take care of all your investment advisory arrangements that are bound between the advisor and the fund at a stipulated time period. Whereas the investment management agreement is carried forward in between the Investment Manager and the Borrower dated as of the date hereof.
- This investment law firm takes care of fund administration arrangements and agreements in unit trusts and corporate funds.
- The Hong Kong asset management and legal services also looks into matters of custody arrangements and agreements.
- Apart from these, it takes care of consumer fund-related M&A and corporate transactions along with corporate finance work. Not to mention joint ventures, fund restructuring, secondary transactions and joint are other works handled by them.
Join your hands with leading investment law firms of Hong Kong to manage all your investment-related work that is troublesome to manage all alone. Being a leading investment law firm, they cater to all your investment management and legal advisory tasks, such as setting up agreements for private equity funds, hedge funds and other investment vehicles as they don’t charge much.